Saturday, April 23, 2011

Honey ...Honey... Lion!

Title: Honey...Honey...Lion!
Author: Jan Brett
Genre: Fiction
Ages: 6-12

Summary: This story is about a bird who leads a badger to a beehive. The badger does not reward her, but asks her to help him again. Instead of leading the badger to a beehive the second time, she leads him to a lion. The badger runs and runs as fast as he can back to his tree where the lion cannot get him.

About the Author: Jan Brett lives in a seacoast town in Massachusetts with her husband. She originally started as an illustrator prior to writing children's books.

Theme/ Skill: Its okay to ask for help.

Pre-reading activity: Has anyone ever tasted honey? Where does it come from? What insects make honey? Give each student a taste of honey using a posicle stick.

Post reading activity: Do you think a badger learned his lesson? What do you think he will do next time someone helps him or does him a favor? What would you do? As a class, make a list of things you can do or say to thank someone for helping you.

Overall I think this book is a cute story and opens up great conversations. You can take this book many different ways when it comes to teaching manners and respect. Also the pictures are great as well.

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