Title: Saving the Ghost of the Mountain
Author: Sy Montgomery
Genre: Non-fiction
Ages 15+
Summery: This is a long detailed book about snow leopards and Mongolia, where they live. It follows a group of reserchers on their journey looking for snow leopards.
About the author: She is a 1979 graduate of Syracuse University, a triple major with dual degrees in Magazine Journalism from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and in French Language and Literature and in Psychology from the College of Arts and Sciences.
Theme/skill: extinction
Pre-reading activity: Brainstorm all you know about snow leopards and Mongolia on a chart.
Post-reading activity: Write a book review of this book. What did you think? Give specific examples and support your statements.
This book was very scattered and focused more on the lifestyle of Mongolia then snow leopards. I wish it was more on the animal itself.
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