Title: A Picture Book of Thomas Edison
Author: David Adler
Genre: Non-Fiction
Ages: 7-12
Summary: This biography starts off by telling the date that Thomas Edison was born and then begins to highlight major events in his life and discuss his personality. It tells about his inventions and improvements of inovations. This book tells when he was married and when he started a family. At the end, it states that Thomas Edison''s inventions changed the world.
About the author: David Adler graduated from Queens College in 1968 with a BA in economics and education. He taught in NYC for 9 years before he went back to school and started writing children's books.
Theme/ Skill: About Thomas Edison and his inventions
Pre-reading activity: What is a biography? What is an autobiography? What is the difference between the two? Lets talk about what an inventor is. Discuss it with your partner and share your answers with the class.
Post-reading activity: Pretend that you are an inventor. Make up an invention and tell what it is and what it does.
I believe this is an excellent book about Thomas Edison and very kid friendly. It allows them to understand inventions and hopefully inspire them to invent themselves.
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